Junta-te à Equipa
És apaixonado por inovação e queres integrar uma start-up que
transforma negócios com inteligência artificial? Junta-te à equipa da ADECI e ajude-nos a construir o futuro da restauração e do retalho!
You Like a Team Approach
Collaboration is a competence multiplier. We believe two heads are better than one, and a cord of three is not easily broken. Work is better when done together.
You Make Work Fun
We spend too much time at work not to enjoy it. A cheerful spirit makes work fun. Smiles, humor, and laughter are very productive at Taazaa. We're serious about that!
You Like Helping Others
Coding is cool, but only as a means to a greater end: helping people. Creating joy is a meaningful service. You prioritize relationships over transactions and collaboration over competition.